
Disallow identifiers called ‘enum’

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  • #321924 Reply

    In ME10.0 version, I am using compiler level 1.4. In Preference->Java->Compiler->JDK Compliance, “Disallow identifers called ‘enum'” is set to “Warning”, but why at compile time, a ‘enum’ variable from my application still popped up as ERROR in the Problems tabe? I can’t change the variable named ‘enum’ at this time. How to make this warning work as not a compile error? Thanks!


    #321926 Reply


    Hi Joe,

    Please verify that your project is also using compliance of JDK 1.4 by:
    1. Right-click on the project and select Properties.
    2. Select Java Compiler on the left.
    3. Verify the compliance setting on the right panel.

    If that is correct, verify that the Java 1.4 Facet is also in use on the project:
    1. In the same properties dialog, select MyEclipse > Project Facets
    2. Verify the Java 1.4 facet is selected in the list.
    3. If it’s not 1.4, use the arrow next to the version to select 1.4.

    #321929 Reply

    Following your advice, at the project properties level, I set value for “Disallow Identifiers called ‘enum'”. Worked great! Thank you!


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