
Customization of JSP Templates

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  • #205481 Reply


    Hi Riyad:
    This may be an Eclipse rather than a MyEclipse question. We would like to configure how the template
    jsp page should look like since we need to use and include our own project taglib and stylesheets.
    Right now we simply replace the contents of a new jsp page with our own template but we need to do this every time.
    Is there a more permanent way of predefining this in Eclipse/ME?


    #205488 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hi Claudia,
    Yes there is a way for you to do this, and in a future release we look to make editing the templates part of MyEclipse. Right now its a more manual Find/Replace process.

    Go to this location on your computer:
    <myeclipse install directory>\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_2.7.1\Templates

    The names of the files are pretty self explanitory, but you can do some trial-and-error to find out which ones you want to replace.

    Let us know if you have anymore questions.

    #205491 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Hi Claudia,
    Yes there is a way for you to do this, and in a future release we look to make editing the templates part of MyEclipse. Right now its a more manual Find/Replace process.

    Go to this location on your computer:
    <myeclipse install directory>\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_2.7.1\Templates

    The names of the files are pretty self explanitory, but you can do some trial-and-error to find out which ones you want to replace.

    Let us know if you have anymore questions.

    Hi Riyad:
    This is great and pretty straightforward if we want to replace one of the existing templates. However, we need to have a list of templates to chooose from and we cannot find where ME defines this list so that we can simply add our own instead of doing a replace. Even if we can’t do this we are very pleased to be able to define our own templates. Where is the list in the JSP wizard (Template to use) defined?

    #205494 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’ll ask Michael to weigh in on this, as I am not sure.

    #205907 Reply


    Here’s the process:

    0) Create a new folder named:<myeclipse install>/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards/UserTemplates/.

    1) Create a new template file and store it in the new UserTemplates folder. Use any existing template from the <myeclipse install>/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards/Templates/ folder as a guide.

    2) Add the new template to the template registry file, see <myeclipse install>/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards/templates.properties. Back up this file before making mods.

    For example, I add Mike’s new fangled JSP Template to the registry as follows:

    jsp.template.5.label=Best template ever

    Note the pattern jsp.template.#. Ensure that all entries that you add/delete are sequential starting at #1.

    3) You’ll need to recycle MyEclipse to access the new template.

    4) Please note at this time your custom templates and template registry will be overwritten with uninstalls and new MyEclipse installs. We have an open enhancement request for supporting user template libraries that will be addressed in a future release.

    #207438 Reply

    Jack Gould

    Hi, Riyan and Michael.

    I have no trouble extending the templates.properties to add my own custom templates. My question is this:

    Is there some documentation about what substitutions can be made by the wizard? I am referring to tags such as <aw:author/>

    Thanks for your help!

    – Jack Gould

    #207515 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    It’s tricky to find (to say the least ;-), but what documentation there is is available at <myeclipse-install-dir>/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_<version>/docs/wTemplateComplexFile_en.html

    #207860 Reply

    jason poley

    I’d love to have customizable jsp templates. (via eclipse not rooting thru the plugins dir)

    that would be very helpful.

    #207869 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think we are going to try and address this soon, stay tuned.

    #207875 Reply

    #207912 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Wow, that was soon 😀

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