
[Closed] MyEclipse 5.5 M1 will not install

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  • #265644 Reply


    I tried installing MyEclipse 5.5 M1 on a fresh version of Eclipse and it does not get past the Subsciption key information dialog. I am stuck here, I tried the manual install and the automated same result. This is impacting our development. Please respond.

    Paul 🙁

    #265653 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    This sounds like this thread: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-15968-sid-f3434affb21607e4527028202cd00995.html

    Can you give it a look and see if that helps?

    #265670 Reply


    That is not it, what happens is I unzipped eclipse 3.2.1 fresh on a clean flash drive. I download MyEclipse 5.5 M1 not the all in one install but the install right next to it. Even without admin rights the installer ran asked for my eclipse directory and installed fine without any errors. After the install when bring up eclipse the MyEclipse subscription window comes up and a dialog appears asking me to click ok so Eclipse can restart so that the MyEclipse changes will take effect. At that point Eclipse frezzes with the MyEclipse subscription dialog open but I am not able to click on ok to enter a license or to go with the temporary license of 30 days. It just hangs at that point. At this point I do not know what to do ?


    #265674 Reply


    One thing I forgot to mention, I install MyEclipse 5.1 this way and it ran great. Is there any difference with MyEclipse 5.5 M1.


    #265675 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Did you try restarting with -clean on the commandline as outlined in my last post in the thread I referenced? What did that do?

    #265685 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    FYI, Paul posted a followup to the thread referenced saying -clean worked to resolve the issue.

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