
[Closed] Exclude files and directories when deployed

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  • #260749 Reply


    In order ot keep everything project related together and in sync, we have moved the documentation into cvs along with the project. As UML becomes more a part of the IDE, this will just increase. I certainly do not want the UML and documentation included in the war file that gets deployed. There needs to be a way, similar to the cvsignore file, to mark parts of the project as not deployed. I know that the .settings doesn’t get deployed. How about a way to put other things on the list.

    And if this is already in the IDE somewhere, I certainly couldn’t find it.

    #260904 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is currently no support for filtering deployment, the default project layout avoids this by not having the webroot (what gets deployed) the same as the project root. If you have the project and webroot the same, so everything gets deployed I would suggest possibly looking at creating an Ant script to handle production deployment, but for development and testing you can just keep deploying everything to the app server.

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