
[Closed] [5.1] FullStack does not contain Matisse4MyEclipse

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  • #262556 Reply


    I thought a “full installer” would contain all features you assure.

    This release continues to integrate the popular Matisse4MyEclipse Swing UI designer directly into MyEclipse, thereby enabling developers to easily build sophisticated graphical user interfaces for their applications.

    But the “FullStack” windows installer does not contain that plugin and I have to repackage the installer.

    #262561 Reply


    Sorry about the confusing nomenclature. I will bring this issue up with the marketing department.

    #262566 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Matisse4MyEclipse has always been packaged separately for various reasons. However, you don’t have to “repackage the installer”, you simply need to use Window > Updates > Find new features to install and click on the MyEclipse Discovery Site. That will install Matisse4MyEclipse automatically for you. Sorry for the confusion.

    #262828 Reply


    I have to repackage the installer for other reasons, too. We <i>have</i> to use Enteo NetInstall … Having M4M inside is more clear to our users who want to have a <i>full</i> install. And we dont want them to download external stuff.

    Maybe a note on the last page of the installer that this install does not contain M4M would be a benefit.

    Or better: an option to download and install it while the installer-run 😉

    #262829 Reply


    BTW – <i>what</i> are the reasons for not packaging M4M inside the “full stack”?

    #262836 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    BTW – what are the reasons for not packaging M4M inside the “full stack”?

    Don’t know exactly. Something to do with “legal” and the licensing of Matisse being different than EPL. Once you say “legal” I back out of the room slowly and find something more fun to do. 😉

    #263287 Reply


    Oh yeah …. I understand you 😉

    So a note in the Release Notes and the installer would be fine.

    #264183 Reply

    Kurt Olsen

    I originally purchased myeclipse ide so that I wouldn’t have to install so many plugins so having to install matisse as an additional thingy is a real irritant to me. Get the legal eagles to figure it out – it’s crazy that I can install it but you can’t in the ‘full stack’.

    #264342 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It bothers us (support team) as well. I like the fact that it’s not huge (like putting hibernate up on the update site then having folks pull down 20mb or something) but it is still damn confusing to new users.

    I’ll bring it up at our product meeting Friday and let folks know it’s an irritation and would be nice to get fixed if it doesn’t cause legal trouble (what *doesn’t* cause legal troubles these days?)

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