
Classloading policy not working

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  • #321651 Reply

    Udo Held

    We are using MyEclipse 10 Bling and the classloading policy isn’t working. We have a maven multi module project and the changes aren’t applied at the application server.

    – Create a maven project of type “pom”.
    – Create a maven module of type “war”.
    – Create a maven module of type “ear”.
    – Add the “war” module to the “ear” as an dependency.
    – Update project settings
    – Click the application.xml and change the classloading policy to “PARENT_LAST” on the war module.
    – Save (project is broken)
    – Update project settings
    – Deploy the application
    – Check the WAS Integrated Solutions Console
    -> The class loading policy “PARENT_LAST” is neither set for the global application nor for the web module.

    Kind regards

    #321674 Reply


    clavis ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue with MyEclipse.

    Can you answer some more questions for us ?

    1) Which version of WAS are you working with ?

    2) Can you clarify that you created a maven module with type “ear” or “jar” ? What are the other packaging types do you see in the wizard ?

    3) Can you check if you see the issue with class loader in the projects which are not maven based ? Please create a project without maven and check if the issue persists.

    #321677 Reply

    Udo Held

    2) As listed “ear” for the wrapping deployment module. I choose the skip arch type selection and choose the simple one.
    3) I have to check that

    #321703 Reply


    clavis ,

    I am afraid I could not create an enterprise project using the simple maven project wizard.
    Can you give us detailed steps on how you created the EAR project for us to be able to replicate it at our end ?

    #321729 Reply

    Udo Held

    After creating the pom project and the web module.

    Right-Click the pom project.
    New -> Other -> Maven Module
    Check “create a simple project (skip archetype selection) and choose a module name.
    Change packaging to “ear”. -> Finish

    Kind regards

    #321730 Reply

    Udo Held

    Meanwhile I created a non maven EAR-Application.

    It works partially there. The webmodule is loaded with PARENT_LAST, however the base application is still PARENT_FIRST.

    Kind regards

    #321744 Reply



    We’ll be raising a problem report for this issue. It seems as though the deployment.xml file (it’s way down deep within the META-INF/ibmconfig folder) is not correctly updated, in some situations. As a workaround, you can check that file and change it yourself (using the Text Editor or XML Editor).

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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