
Cannot see TLD’s when adding Web Support for Maven Project

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  • #213501 Reply

    Scott Ryan

    I have a Web App that I am building using Maven. I have set up the project in MyEclipse and am having issues compiling my JSP’s once I have added Web Support using MyEclipse. Maven will automatically copy any TLD files that I require from the Repository into a target directory prior to creating the WAR. The tlds do not reside in the same directory structure as the original source jsp files. MyEclipse is not able to compile the JSP files since it cannot see the TLD files. I want to point to my source jsp’s and not the ones in the target directory so that any changes I make are kept. The TLD’s do not reside in the source dirctory with the JSP pages.

    Any ideas? I can provide more information if you are not familiar with the default Maven project structure for webapps.

    I am running 3.0.8 of MyEclipse on Windows NT and Eclipse 3.0 GA. I am trying to set up build and deploy for Weblogic 8.1.

    Scott Ryan
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    #213503 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    MyEclipse looks in the standard places for TLDs: Jars on the class path, under WEB-INF, through web.xml mappings, in dependent projects, etc. Apparently the standard maven layout doesn’t place TLDs in any of these places. So the trick will be to see if we can configure the project in such a way as to get them into one of these locations. If you outline exactly what your layout looks like, we might have some ideas.

    #213523 Reply


    Scott –

    I have had some success in setting up multiple src directories in Eclipse that build to the same directory that maven builds to – might this help? Have not tried with a web project yet.

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