I am using Eclipse 3.1, MyEclipse 4.0 M3 with JDK 1.5.0_03 on Fedora Core 4.
I imported a project that used to have (from ME 4.0 M2) Web, JSF and Hibernate capabilities added. After importing I noticed that those capabilities where no longer associated with the project. No problem, I’ll just add them again… Bzzzzt! When I click Finish on the dialog box, the dialog box does not dissapear. I look in the log and there is a complaint about activation.jar already existing in the library path. I went into the project properties and removed the J2EE 1.4 library set from the build path libraries and that resolved the issue – I can now add WebProject Capabilities.
I think either the jar conflict should be ignored or an error message should be displayed.[/i]