
Can I debug on a remote Websphere app server?

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  • #207151 Reply

    Steve Viens

    I am trying to debug a web application running on Websphere using my MyEclipse and I do not have a local Websphere app server.

    Can I debug on a remote server?

    #207153 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can I debug on a remote server?

    I don’t think so, only because when you launch your app server with MyEclipse, part of that launch process is hooking the remote debugger in MyEclipse up to the app server. So if your app server is already running, and running remotely at that… I don’t think it will work.

    BUT, I’m not 100% sure, so I’ll check on it.

    #207164 Reply

    Steve Viens

    Thanks Riyad,

    I see where you’re going. If it’s okay I would really appreciate a difinitive answer on this as it will calculate into a MyEclipse evaluation I’m working on.

    Our problem is that it is unlikely that our developers will have developer versions of WebSphere installed and would like to be able to debug against one since that will be the platform they would eventually deploy to.

    The alternative would be to debug against Tomcat/JBoss or Tomcat/JOnAS and while that’s not a bad idea (I personally prefer JBoss) it’s not the perfect answer in this situation either.

    [email protected]

    #207167 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    You can debug a remote server because remote debugging is built into Eclipse. You’ll have to consult the Eclipse documentation for the complete write up, but basically you have to launch your server on the remote machine so that it is enabled for remote debugging with something like this:


    You can connect using a Remote Java application set to connect at port 55555 on the remote host. That’s at least the gist of it.

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