
Can I an iPhone Specific App?

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  • #331210 Reply


    I want to build an app that is specifically for iPhones so I built my app using the iPhone only option instead of using the universal or iPad options. With this setting I can still install the app and run it on an iPad (in a scaled down iPhone sized window on the full iPad screen). How can I build an app that will install only on an iPhone and not on an iPad? Thanks for your help,


    #333249 Reply


    Hi Kyle.

    This is a feature by Apple Appstore, which gives Ipad users a larger variety of apps to choose from.. It could possibly sell more of your apps too ?

    I do not believe its possible to exclude your Iphone app from Ipad installment. Your best option would be to generate an app specific for Ipad. You only need to resize your graphic, and control the alignment of your elements.

    Correct me if im wrong.

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