
automatic imports in JSP [Closed]

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  • #220941 Reply


    I saw in the JSP Development Flash Demo that MyEclipse JSP Editor was able to automatically insert imports when typing code.
    Nothing like that is proposed in the contextual menu when I right-click on a new class, and I try several shortcuts (Ctrl+Shift+M, Ctrl+Space, …) but nothing happened (Ctrl+space auto-completes the class name, but directly in the code, not by importing the class)…

    What is the trick?
    Is this deceptive advertising? 😉

    #220966 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The trick is to be sure you’re using MyEclipse 3.8.3 and not a prior version. Check out the MyEclipse IDE Announcements forum for update site information. The new version will do the imports with Ctrl+space.

    #221166 Reply


    ok, upgraded…
    tx scott.

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