
5.0 M1 – feedback

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  • #252695 Reply

    Paul Stanton


    I was about to install eclipse 3.2 and myeclipse 5.0 M1 but was turned off by the comment “we recommend that you do not use a production workspace that you will need to use with MyEclipse 4.1.1 again as a precaution”.

    My projects are all under CVS, so usually i don’t mind testing new releases but i’d like to know if there are any known issues with configuration etc that won’t be able to be undone.

    Also, any other feedback on the new release is welcome.


    #252697 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m not aware of any known issues but against since both Eclipse itself and MyEclipse are progressing through heavily development as they approach 3.2 and 5.0 respectively, there is that risk that the workspace get shot and need to be recreated. If this is a major pain you can export your preferences using File > Export > Preferences, then save that file somewhere. So if the workspace does need to be recreated, you just reimport the preferences and then your projects.

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