
Updating/Adding plugins has taken a major step backwards

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  • #292549 Reply

    Steve Prior

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    Scott Anderson

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    Riyad Kalla

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    #293181 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    MyEclipse 7.0 doesn’t support 3rd party locally installed plugins *yet*, we are working to rectify that situation by the end of this month as fast as we can. The *temporary* work around is to setup your own update site with the plugins you need to install (Covered here: http://www.poweredbypulse.com/forums/showthread.php?t=801) or to reinstall 7.0M2 and continue working with that install. I’m really sorry about the hassle.

    #293186 Reply

    Vince Cooper

    Ok, I’m adding my two cents worth here as well. You “tightened up” the Proxy stuff??? We are finding that our developers are having to enter proxy authentication 6+ times each time that they are launching into MyEclipse 7.0. This is enough to make me take a look at the JBoss development environment which doesn’t seem to have these issues. Eclipse itself stinks where Proxy is concerned anyway as going into the Network Connection panel and entering your authentication information is a wasted effort because you are still asked for a manual authentication each time you launch so updates can be checked. In 7.0 this problem has been magnified several times over. Poor Poor job folks. If I released this kind of problem to my customers I would be sending out resumes pretty soon. Your complete lack of QA and testing for ALL user situations is very apparent!!!

    Vince Cooper

    #293187 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:


    MyEclipse 7.0 doesn’t support 3rd party locally installed plugins *yet*, we are working to rectify that situation by the end of this month as fast as we can. The *temporary* work around is to setup your own update site with the plugins you need to install (Covered here: http://www.poweredbypulse.com/forums/showthread.php?t=801) or to reinstall 7.0M2 and continue working with that install. I’m really sorry about the hassle.

    Where can I get the 7.0 M2 installation? I looked for it under development releases but could not find it.

    I must say that this whole Pulse thing has been very disappointing. Was this part of any of the beta releases? I would be extremely disappointed if this is something that I am forced to use going forward. This should be an optional feature. Please seriously consider allowing disabling of this Pulse plugin management stuff.

    #293321 Reply

    Ralph Mack

    > MyEclipse 7.0 doesn’t support 3rd party locally installed plugins *yet*,…

    So, just to be sure I understand the situation: Rational delivers their ClearCase plugin as a zipped up “eclipse” folder which they instruct us to deploy via the “Add an Extension Location” mechanism, which is available in Eclipse 3.4 but not in MyEclipse 7.0. Will using an extension location work again when the 7.0.1 update arrives at the end of the month? Or isn’t that what is being addressed?

    This “eclipse” folder contains two feature folders and four plug-in folders plus a .eclipseextension file. Even after reading the instructions in “http://calla.ics.uci.edu/mrsg/mail/msg00038.html”, it isn’t at all clear to me how I would wrap this to produce a local update site based solely on the binaries that IBM has provided. Has anybody gone through this exercise yet?

    Beyond that, it isn’t clear how I would remove what I install this way so that, when the new version of MyEclipse comes out, I can reinstall according to IBM’s instructions. After all, if you want support from “the man”, you have to do everything the way “the man” says….

    As for how I’m going to get Castor XML code gen support in here (install-com.pnehrer.castor_2.0.4.jar), it sounds like the installation architecture is sufficiently different enough from base Eclipse 3.4 that its automation probably isn’t going to work too well here, either. I could end up having to uninstall 7.0 entirely and re-install it rather than pulling out the schrapnel. Or I can sit on my hands and wait for 7.0.1.

    I wish now that I’d stuck with 6.6 a little longer. As much as I like the new features, it sounds like this ain’t “cooked” yet. It’s really my first bad experience with MyEclipse. We’ve gotten used to upgrading to new versions immediately as they come out, since we started with 5.0. So far, this version isn’t proving very usable for me. If the plug-in problems can be resolve to the point where I can do everything in all the ways that were supported for 6.6, though, I’ll probably be in really good shape. Is this the intention for 7.0.1?


    #293328 Reply

    Why mess with a good thing! The plugin management of 3.4 works fine. Why not give us the choice! When I saw this Pulse nonsense, I considered canceling my subscription. I have consistently come across plugins that are simply made up of the features and plugins directories zipped up. I wish they were always properly configured archive sites, but they’re not. And part of why I use open source software is because I could always get under the hood. Now it seems I can’t.

    I may have to quote Princess Amadella, “Anakin, you’re going somewhere that I cannot follow”.


    #293335 Reply


    We, the customer, will see that we are being listened to when the January update is available. I’ve counted numerous posts that ask for the vanilla (Eclipse 3.4) update capability and to make this pulse crap an option in complete control by the user.

    I’ve already removed the ME 7.0 as it continues to break.

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