
JSP Validation / dependent projects [Closed]

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  • #213430 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you apply the new quickfix and see if that takes care of the problem for you: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-3513.html

    #213469 Reply

    yes it does, and i spent the morning installing it on my developers’ desktops. thank you all so much!!!

    #213470 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m glad its working and thank you for being so patient while we rolled that out.

    #238677 Reply


    I have My Eclipse 3.8.2 and the problem is i have a dependant project where all the class files are and the jsp project which uses them.
    Our jsp pages does static includes of inc files (declared as jsp fragments in the My Eclipse configuration) in the inc files we do import some classes in the dependant project.
    on the main jsp we see an annotation on the right side the annotation says couldn’t find class that is imported in the include file.

    The annotation read ServerConfig cannot be resolved, ServerConfig class is not used in this page but used in the include page
    the include page has this line at the begining
    <%@ page import = “com.eggtheory.brainfuse.server.*” %><%@ page import = “com.eggtheory.brainfuse.web.common.SiteConstants” %><%!
    /// Some declarations %>

    // Some code

    The odd thing is that when editing the include file I get Code Insight for ServerConfig and other classes that the ide is complaining about.

    I tried the workaround of adding the bin directory but that didn’t work

    #238688 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We would be curious if you did a parallel install of Eclipse 3.1 and MyEclipse 4.0 GA and imported your projects, if the error went away. A lot has changed in MyEclipse since 3.8.2 and before we started trouble shooting, I’d be curious if this was a bug fixed along that way.

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)
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