
jsp errors and warnings not appearing in ‘Problems’ tab

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  • #215785 Reply

    I do have validation turned on and it seems to be working correctly.

    But, if you take a look at my code snippet in a previous post, it definitely has a compile error (no import). The validation error shows up, but the compile error doesn’t.

    That’s my real problem. I probably just didn’t state it very well.



    #215803 Reply


    May be that is problem nr 1, i dont see compiler errors and warnings on the left side, only on the right side they are shown.

    And yes, i have selected all in filters, selectall, scroll up and down, select singles, i have done that quite a time now…nothing.

    I checked in normal java-mode, there are the errors shown on left and right margin.
    in jsp-mode i see nothing on left side, but myeclipse validates, i see the compile time errors on the right margin and can hover and see expected messages. he has to validate for that!

    Java-Path is correctly set and its a normal webapp and latest versions and and and…

    AND…version 3.8.0 didnt show that behaviour.
    I havent changed my system since that.


    #215815 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys can you hang tight for 1 or 2 days and try 3.8.2 when it comes out at the end of this week? It sounds like you have everything configured correctly, and we can’t reproduce this to save our lives, so we are at a bit of a holding pattern right now.

    #215863 Reply


    I may have a related problem. There are a number of jsp errors in my problem view, and one info item stating :

    IWAE0035W IWAD3000I: Some messages may be missing because the maximum number of messages has been reported. Increase the maximum number of messages and try again.

    The odd thing is that there are only 25 errors. Disabling item limit, and checking all options mentioned in this thread did not solve the problem. This has happened to me before, and a clean always solved it. However in the recently clean does not clear the myeclipse errors. I have 4 other projects in my workspace that are java projects. If there are some problems in each project and I select clean, errors from each project are discarded except for the web project.

    Any idea?

    #215865 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I would say please wait for 3.8.2, at this point there have been so many bugs fixed in 3.8.2 that I don’t want to go running down a troubleshooting trail and eating up a lot of your time just to find out everything works fine when 3.8.2 comes out.

    Thank you for your patience.

    #216000 Reply


    E 3.0.1 + ME 3.8.2 + J 1.4.2
    I see again no compile errors on left side in editor or in problems view in jsp mode (in java mode ok)
    In filter all is selected, yes i have scrolled the selectable items.


    #216041 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’d imagine a great deal of the issues you’re experiencing are caused by using an unsupported milestone bulid of Eclipse 3.1 (the version was in the stack of one of your other posts as eclipse.buildId=M200409161125). Since Eclipse 3.1 will not
    be released until next year, it is not currently supported. If you would install Eclipse 3.0.1 and MyEclipse 3.8.2 I believe you’ll find everything works

    #216411 Reply

    Chuck Deal

    I am running a similar configuration to André and I also do not have the markers in the left column. But what I did notice is that if I move the mouse to where the marker SHOULD be, it changes as if the marker was there and displays the error/warning message as a tooltip. It seems that it is just not displaying the icon.

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