
JavaScript and binary editors

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  • #204301 Reply


    I’d like to suggest the integration of a JavaScript editor (like e.g. org.hkataria.jsedit_1.0.1, or hmmm.. I’ve forgotten the other one), and of a binary editor (aka “hex editor”) like ehep_0.0.3

    #204306 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Can you provide URL’s for these? Do you know the licensing for each of these?

    #204489 Reply

    #206232 Reply

    I am the maintainer of jseditor.sourceforge.net please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

    #206234 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for posting, I know we are interesting in supporting as many technologies as we can. I’ve sent along your contact info to the team.

    There might be some lag until we contact you only because we are neck deep in 2.8 right now and the prospect of anymore work might make some of our devs go postal 😀

    #206827 Reply


    A built in java script editor would be very nice. I would expect that it would be set as the default editor for .js files.

    #206829 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Minor update here, we agree completely that having a nice JS editor is important, especially with a web development IDE like MyEclipse. We have already settled on integrating the CSSEditor plugin, and I’m trying to get details on the status of a JS editor, I’ll keep you posted.

    #207186 Reply


    I’d suggest to enable JS editing no only in standalone .js files but also within <script> blocks in HTML and JSP files. This will make such feature a lot more usefull.

    #207820 Reply


    An improved JS editor in MyEclipse would be great – I’ve had trouble finding a really good one. It’s probably not as important as like Hibernate integration but still darn useful 😉

    #207824 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Well we have started to add a new JS editor to MyEclipse, its available in the beta 1 releases and allows for syntax highlighting, no autocomplete yet. And the files need to .js files, no inline HTML <script></script> editing yet.

    #208279 Reply


    i am using myEclipse 2.7.1 and 3.8 Beta-1
    Can anyone suggest me which jsplugin should i use and which is the most prefered one.

    agfitzp… one problem i have noticed with jseditor is that when you remove the eclipse installation you might face some problem as the
    the plugin folders do not get deleted . if i face the problem again i will send you a snapshot .


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