
January Release?

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  • #295098 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Harry, what were the exact ZIPs you used (URLs?) these are actually part of our test plan, not sure why they are dying here… unless it’s a Mylyn conflict…

    Hi Riyad,

    I used these two ZIPs:


    Both are archived update sites on a file server and were working in MyEclipse 7.0 (after those various proxy workarounds) and also working as dropins.
    And another hint: we have a 155 characters long path containing spaces on that file server.

    #295130 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ahh, ok that version of Mylyn is for Eclipse 3.3, you will need to use Mylyn for Eclipse 3.4.

    Can you not get the catalog to come up when you go to Help > Software Updates > Add/Remove Software and click “Add”? All that stuff is in the catalog and so super-easy to add without manually jiggering with ZIP files… I really want that to work for you.

    #295158 Reply


    @support-joy wrote:


    Is there a reason you don’t want to use Pulse? Pulse is a product family that provides options to obtain, configure, manage Eclipse-based products.

    I would suggest you to go through the documentation http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=7

    This document is a guide on installing, updating and uninstalling MyEclipse -> http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/install/

    Don’t want to use pulse as it is a clueless piece of marketing fluff, no offense to the original development idea which went nowhere in the direction of the real world.

    I would suggest that you do some domain analysis and separate the provisioning technology from the tools being provisioned.


    #295235 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Don’t want to use pulse as it is a clueless piece of marketing fluff, no offense to the original development idea which went nowhere in the direction of the real world.

    That’s pretty harsh — but we like a challenge. As a friendly bet, I bet you $1 we’ll change your mind by the end of this year.

    I would suggest that you do some domain analysis and separate the provisioning technology from the tools being provisioned.

    We did, that’s why we created Pulse, and they are. We are working with quite a few Fortune 50 companies rolling our Pulse Private Label installs for them to both provision tool sets throughout their company as well as deliver their products to their customers. Pulse is much bigger than just updates in MyEclipse.

    #295256 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Ahh, ok that version of Mylyn is for Eclipse 3.3, you will need to use Mylyn for Eclipse 3.4.

    Maybe.. But still it works fine via dropin or in MyEclipse 7.0… Just not 7.01.

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Can you not get the catalog to come up when you go to Help > Software Updates > Add/Remove Software and click “Add”?

    No, as we still pay per data amount downloaded and furthermore not every developer is allowed to access internet.

    @frankc01a wrote:

    Don’t want to use pulse as it is a clueless piece of marketing fluff, no offense to the original development idea which went nowhere in the direction of the real world.

    I absolutely agree to Frank.
    At least you should leave it up to the user if he wants to use pulse or not and ask him during installation.

    #295277 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No, as we still pay per data amount downloaded and furthermore not every developer is allowed to access internet.

    Harry, we support setting up local shared caches that your entire team can use to avoid this, more instructions here:

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