
DB Browser – Features Broken with 3.81 release [Closed]

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  • #213283 Reply

    Maybe I’m missing something here, but here are the symptoms.

    Using 3.8 beta – all the features worked in the DB browser – including the feature to generate Hibernate classes and xml files.

    Using 3.8 GA – the behavior of this feature changed – in that the application no longer exported java classes using the Hibernate feature.

    Using 3.81 – the Hibernate feature now works EXCEPT – existing functionality “Generate Select in SQL editor” returns an empty sql editor.
    “Create Table Script” is also no longer working.

    Apologies if this bug has already been written up.

    #213287 Reply

    Wim Goossens

    Solved with 3.8.1 quickfix.

    #213310 Reply

    Not fixed. I decided to give you benefit of the doubt – I rebooted and the sql for create table script and generate select in my original post does not work – however this feature did work in the 3.8 beta and 3.8.0 releases. With 3.8.1 the Hibernate feature works – but the SQL features are NOT working

    #213312 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Did you apply the hot fix? http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-3513.html

    Also did you restart Eclipse using -clean in the arguments list?

    #213315 Reply

    OK- I’m installing this quick fix now. What I’m wondering guys – is why this quick fix does not show up in the update area – or auto-updates to eclipse?
    Yes, the quick fix works – thanks.

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