
Conflict between MyEclipse and VE [Closed]

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    #242843 Reply

    Marcus Beyer

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    1) Install Eclipse
    2) Install MyEclipse
    3) Install VE (NOT the EMF/GEF or JEM dependent libraries)

    I just tried this with
    1) Eclipse 3.1.1
    2) MyEclipse 4.0.3
    3) VE

    Not installing EMF/GEF was easy, as they are not included in VE.
    JEM was different, as it is included in the VE jar.
    There was also “com.ibm.etools.emf.event_3.0.0.1” which is already in MyEclipse.

    Well. VE does not work 🙁

    Probably because the jem versions are not the same?
    MyEclipse 4.0.3: JEM 1.1.0
    VE JEM

    #242844 Reply

    Marcus Beyer

    However. It works with VE 1.1. So the winner is:

    1) Eclipse 3.1.1
    2) MyEclipse 4.0.3
    3) VE 1.1 (do not copy emf and jem dirs from “plugins”)

    #242851 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    mb we will look into this, thank you for following up with your findings.

    #242976 Reply


    @mb wrote:

    However. It works with VE 1.1. So the winner is:

    1) Eclipse 3.1.1
    2) MyEclipse 4.0.3
    3) VE 1.1 (do not copy emf and jem dirs from “plugins”)

    Hi mb,

    I am glad it works for you. But it does not work for me with following:

    1> Eclipse 3.1.1 –> Installed in /opt/eclipse
    2> MyEclipse 4.1M1 (I have to use this for UML Sequence Diagram) –> Installed in /opt/MyEclipse (using *manual* install)

    Did you use VE SDK or VE Runtime?

    Where did you install VE? Is it in main eclipse installation or a separate MyEclipse installation?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    – Ganesh

    #242981 Reply

    Marcus Beyer

    @ganesh wrote:

    Did you use VE SDK or VE Runtime?

    VE Runtime

    @ganesh wrote:

    Where did you install VE? Is it in main eclipse installation or a separate MyEclipse installation?

    main eclipse installation

    @ganesh wrote:

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    You’re welcome!

    #264194 Reply

    Marcus Beyer

    Update: Things have become easier with Callisto:

    1) install Eclipse-SDK-3.2.1
    2) install MyEclipse 5.1
    3) install VE within Eclipse:
        Help/Software Updates/Find and Install/…new features…/Callisto Discovery Site/Java Development/VEP

    #264205 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I would add an even easier setup:

    1) Install MyEclipse 5.1 using All-In-One installation (for Windows)
    2) Install VE

    #264209 Reply

    Marcus Beyer

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    I would add an even easier setup:

    1) Install MyEclipse 5.1 using All-In-One installation (for Windows)
    2) Install VE

    And then live with this crappy OS? Never!

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