
Annoying IDE Name Change

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  • #272792 Reply


    I just installed 6.0M1 on my MBP. First thing I noticed was the long ass OS X application menu title “MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench” instead of the usual “Eclipse”.

    Come on guys. MyEclipse is great but, to me, it’s just a suite of useful plugins and it’s annoying to have an add-on brand shoved at my face all the time. Please stop injecting MyEclipse brand fluff all over the place and focus on providing functionalities which is why I use MyEclipse.

    – Don Park

    #272809 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    One of our Mac devs noticed this right away and filed the bug already in our issue tracker. We will get that fixed, sorry for the annoyance.

    #278424 Reply


    Is there a way for users to change this on their own. If not when will this fix be released. This is kind of annoying since real estate is so limited on my menu already.

    #278442 Reply

    Application menu title is simply “MyEclipse” for both 6.0 and 6.0.1. If that is not what you see, please specify what ME version and installer type (i.e. manual/autoupdate/plugin installer) you are using.

    #278460 Reply


    I’m running on leopard

    About dialog shows
    version 6.0.1 GA
    Build Id: 6.0.1-GA-200710

    I used the manual installer file named MyEclipse_6.0.1GA_E3.3.1_Installer.app

    #278464 Reply

    I don’t have Leopard installed, the issue might be caused by the changes in the JDK…

    In 10.4.10 the application name is configured by the -Xdock:name switch. You can set the name by:
    1. Select Eclipse.app you use to start MyEclipse in Finder.
    2. From the shortcut menu select “Show Package Contents”. Finder will show bundle contents in the new window.
    3. Navigate to Contents/MacOS
    4. Open eclipse.ini

    eclipse.ini should have a line like “-Xdock:name=MyEclipse” somewhere after the “-vmargs” line. Note – each argument (as quoted) should be on a separate line.

    If this doesn’t work for you then it is likely a result of the changes made to JDK by Apple.

    #278494 Reply


    Ok thanks, I’ve got it fixed now.

    Looks like the eclipse.ini file got mangled a little by the install script.


    Notice that the maxPermSize was not set properly and that there is no PermSize property either. I was also having issues with running out of perm mem which I had fixed earlier. You may want to take a look at the install scrips on leopard to ensure that they are doing what you expect them to.

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